Payment Terminal Management
We are a leading support company dedicated to payment terminal management.

Specialists in Support Services
full terminal management solution
Terminal Logistics
Pre Live host testing and integrated returns and replacement procedure.
Terminal Configurations
Merchant specific terminal pre-configuration and refurbishment of credit card terminals.
Courier & Engineer Installations
Courier and Engineer on site install and training along with a team of trained technical support staff.
Supplier of terminal consumables including paper rolls, accessories and spares.
Technical Help Desk
Fully Trained Technicians Fully operational 364 day a year.
Warehousing & Storage
Storage facility is co-located with the technical help desk to insure close working processes.
Leading Support Company in Terminal Management
Service Logistics is the leading support company dedicated to payment terminal management. The services supplied enable our customers to manage a terminal estate without consideration for technical help desk, storage, distribution or asset management.
There is an extensive list of individual services included in our product range, they are offered as a total package or in a modular format, enabling users to pick the services most applicable to their current needs.